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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Human Resource Management > Time Management > TNA Setup > Rules >
R014 - Timesheet alert minute variance buffer

Rule R014  creates an email alert of employees who have signed in/out minutes outside the shift variance buffer.


Rule Configuration

  1. Minute Variance Buffer - Enter the buffer time allowed in minutes.

Steps to update configuration

  1. Click on the "Grey Arrow" next to the rule to expand into the details
  2. Go to the configuration tab
    1. Click on the "Pencil Icon". This will open the edit form.
    2. Enter the buffer minutes.
    3. Save. Click the "Floppy Icon".
  3. Enable the rule:
    1. Click on the "Pencil Icon"next to the rule code.
    2. Tick the "Active " checkbox.
    3. Save. Click the "Floppy Icon".